TestimonialsTina slap af med mangeårig astma og eksem
Tina har de sidste 10 år langsomt taget 12 kilo på. For ca. 1½ år siden fik hun desuden konstateret astma, hun fik eksem på hænderne med store blærer, ondt i knæene og følte sig pludselig syg og afkræftet, samt drænet for energi.
Når dagens pligter var overstået for hende, var hun, som hun selv udtalte: ”færdig som popsanger og den nærmeste motion jeg kan komme i tanke om, var at zappe på fjernsynsbetjeningen. ”Jeg var gået fuldstændig i stå og havde 0 energi. Når jeg vågnede, tænkte jeg kun på hvad jeg skulle have at spise i løbet af dagen”.
Efter en håranalyse med kostændring hos Lene Hansson, var Tina, på blot 1 måned, fyldt med energi, astmaen næsten helt væk, eksem på hænderne forsvundet uden hormoncreme og humøret i top! Hun tabte på den måned, 4 kilo og 12,5 cm fordelt på det midterste stykke af overkroppen.
Tina fortsætter sin nye livsstil det er det helt rigtige for hende!
Lene HanssonKøbenhavn 2024
Villads på 5 år, fik et helt nyt liv, både fysisk og psykisk.
Lille Villads på blot 5 år, havde ikke mange sygdomsfrie dage i sit liv. Han kom til min klinik i marts, 2024. Han var blevet diagnosticeret med ME (Kronisk trætheds syndrom), på trods af sin meget unge alder. Hans mor, Louise, gjorde hvad hun kunne for Villads, der altid var træt, sov rigtig meget og havde et immunsystem, der var helt i bund.
Det bevirkede at Villads ikke kunne komme i børnehaven eller skole (start august 2024), ikke måtte have venner hjemme og skulle nærmest være isoleret fra andre mennesker, fordi han ragede alle sygdomme til sig og var konstant syg med influenza lignende symptomer.
Lægerne mente, at han havde en immundefekt, det var han i gang med at blive undersøgt for. Da jeg fik ham til en håranalyse, viste rapporten, at det var hans stofskifte den var gal med. Jeg spurgte Louise, om hun tilfældigvis havde haft lavt stofskifte mens hun ventede Villads, svaret var ”ja”.
Villads manglede mange nærringstoffer i sine celler, lægerne havde kun lavet blodprøver. Villads var aldrig testet for lavt stofskifte. Villads og jeg lavede en særlig ”børne-aftale” der gik ud på, at han skulle i skole til august og derfor skulle han gøre, som jeg fortalte ham, bl.a. drikke meget mere vand, spise nye fødevare og tage kosttilskud samt probiotika.
August kommer Villads igen, han har så været 4 måneder. Det er en helt ny dreng! Han er livsglad, energifuld, har ikke været syg de sidste par måneder, han skal starte i skole, næste dag! Louise fortæller overlægen på hospitalet historien, hun måber og spørger om hun, i fremtiden, kan få lov til at henvise patienter med uløselige sygdomme, til min klinik..
Lene HanssonKøbenhavn
I have fallen in love with your hair analysis test. The first test I did was for my son that has been struggling with skin related issues that we were not able to alleviate. His hair test gave insights into which systems to address and the rash that has covered his body for a year and half is almost gone.
Shannon, ML
I have had a lot of success with a couple clients who tried the hair scan. One client came excited to me saying she is off her anxiety medication and sleeping better at night – amazing what the info on this report can do!
Mckenzie, NE
I met the office manager at a BNI networking event I found on FB, they are business owners who help other business owners with referrals. The owner was interested in the benefit of giving the hair analysis to his employees. We agreed that the owner would buy each employee a report for $100 each but I will be able to meet with each employee in their conference room and have the opportunity to upgrade my services. A win win.
Lanye in UT
After having my own health complications and searching for answers, I felt led to do a hair analysis. That is where I found so many answers I was in need of. The provider that helped me has become a great friend and has helped cheer me on.
Lacie Larson UT
After struggling for over 2 years with health complications and after spending thousands of dollars on tests, I came across the Epigenetic Hair test from CWB. The test showed I had concerns with Hydrocarbons in my environment. After exploring our home environment, we discovered that we had a slow leak in our propane water heater and that was what was affecting me. We changed the hot water heater and I began my recovery fairly quickly.
Kristy Evans Malad City ID
“ผลการตรวจแปลผลได้ตรงกับพฤติกรรมและชีวิตประจำวันมาก แต่ละคนให้ผลที่แตกต่างกันตามลักษณะอาการและการใช้ชีวิต ได้ผลตรวจรวดเร็ว ทำให้สามารถให้คำแนะนำได้ทันที และผลตรวจชัดเจนสามารถสร้างความตระหนัก เพื่อให้ปรับพฤติกรรมสุขภาพได้เข้าใจง่ายยิ่งขึ้น”
พญ.นลินี ยิ่งชาญกุล
นิวคลินิกเวชกรรม (Niw Clinic)
Anti-Aging and Aesthetic Clinic
In September, my client came in for a hair scan. Part of my service includes a microscopic analysis of the hair and scalp. When I looked at her scalp, it showed signs of needing a detox. When we got the results of her report, she had quite a few deficiencies in things that assist the liver in detoxing. She lives a healthy and active lifestyle, so I recommended a thirty day liver detox tea program alongside the recommended program. After 45 days, she came back in for a checkup and I analyzed her hair and scalp again. Her scalp was almost completely different! Before, I could see signs of the needed detox on several different areas. In the follow-up, I only found signs in one area of her scalp and it was nearly gone. I loved how the scan matched what I was seeing on her scalp. And I loved seeing the results of someone who was following protocol and seeing those results.
LISA FREHNER - Lisa Grace Artistry
I have been offering this service at our establishment since 2017. Great tool to take the guesswork out of your nutritional needs
CWB 5-year study on GMOs in foods:
If one sees Chemicals/Hydrocarbons as priority on CWB report, then check the food avoidance page for the following foods:
Winnie Walcott - Owen Sound Ontario
the progress I’ve made on the recent people that have done a consultation and taken my advice based on what we learned from the hair analysis is proof to me that we’re on the right track.
Carla Meine from Utah
CWB Reports have reduced the need for more expensive and invasive testing methods and can potentially help customers avoid unnecessary treatments and medications. I try to educate my clients that this might be an excellent alternative for those who hope to save money on healthcare costs while getting a comprehensive understanding of their health status.
Christiana Roberts in CA
The accuracy of the hair analysis is amazing! I’ve had some issues and the hair analysis pointed me in the right direction that I was able to confirm with labs. Now I’m on the road to recovery!
Becky Nelson
Here is my experience with the hair analysis: I had a hair analysis done for the first time about 1.5 years ago. It showed me things I had no idea I was struggling with. After discussing my scan with the technician I made some slight diet changes, completed a gentle detox, and started taking a few supplements. Problems I was struggling with for 1-15 years such as constipation, GERD, low energy, and an inability to lose weight were gone within a few months and I felt the best I had in YEARS!
I also had my children analyzed. They struggled with learning, developing ticks, aggression, and issues with walking due to toxic metals. After their analysis we made some minor changes to supplements and diets. My children have been calmer and kinder. My baby was able to walk normally again after removing toxic metals from his body. My oldest son was able to focus better in school, and both tics that he had were completely gone. All of these changes occurred in 2-4 months just by changing our food! I'm forever grateful for how the hair analysis has affected me and my family!
Kyanne Phelps
I love this month of February and I let it go with immense gratitude because it has brought me a great ally in my clinical practice: the S Drive test. I call him my great ally, an added value that would be difficult to do without now. I am a physiatrist and geriatrician surgeon and I have been dealing with neurodevelopment problems for at least 10 years.
These are often children who are unable to communicate clearly or explicitly their needs, their needs or the intensity or location of their pain. And so often it becomes extremely difficult. Perhaps the clinic makes me understand that I am faced with situations of parasitosis or dysbiosis or virosis, faced with inflammation, intestinal permeability, emotional frustration, accumulation of toxins or heavy metals ... but the most complex aspect is to understand the priorities', the decision-making hierarchy in treatment, sometimes risking giving a type of integration that creates further engorgement or overload.
S-Drive, with a simple sampling of the hair bulb and saliva, has lightened my task, has allowed me to identify the crux of the skein, allowing me to understand where to start in the treatment.
And it all becomes wonderfully useful, as if the layers of an onion were gradually peeling off in the many problems that a child with such disorders faces. I find that the training of EXCELLENCE is fundamental.
Marcus Stanton and Bartolomeo Allegrini now for me it is as if they were part of the most familiar voices of my personal reality so much I listen to them. You always think you've studied a lot and it certainly is, but the amount of clinical, epigenetic and functional information I'm receiving from the entire Epigenetic school is unmatched.
Thanks George
Thanks S Drive
Monica Greco February 28, 2023
Sdrive, uno strumento utile che viene in aiuto ove la medicina non arriva
Dott. Filippo Bosco
Medico Anestesista
Cell-Wellbeing Italia
I had a child come to me whose family had moved out of the city into the countryside of New England. The boy regressed in his cognitive abilities and the family was struggling to understand his challenges. With the CWB test, we were able to identify a high viral load and significant exposure to radiation. We've begun to address these issues and the family is thrilled with the new approach.
Chelsea C. in Utah
We have been to so many specialists and done more tests than I can count in advocating for my two health challenged children. Frustrated, I finally drove almost 2 hours to get a hair analysis done on them. That test was a game-changer!!! Not only did it show what was influencing their Autoimmune Conditions, but It also broke down step by step, every body system, what they were struggling with, which systems were struggling with the most, and where I needed to start to help them get back!
I now feel confident that my boys will not have to live like this for the rest of their life, that they can be happy and healthy, and that there is in fact something I can do to help them! I wish I would have started here years ago.
Dr Aylin Ozdemir in Florida,USA
Inge Lise kom af med astma, medicin, eksem og øreproblemer, samt en overvægt på 18 kilo, på blot 4 måneder.
Inge Lise Larsen, vægt 130 kg, dårlig fordøjelse, ledsmerter, Kronisk Trætheds Syndrom, stressramt, samt besværet med astma, lavt stofskifte, depression / modløshed, samt eksem og øreproblemer Efter 90 dage med en fødevareplan og kosttilskud, har hun tabt 18 kg, ingen fordøjelsesproblemer, ingen ledsmerter, og bruger ikke længere inhalator i forbindelse med astma og ingen eksem
Inge Lise
I’ve been having so much fun with the cell well being machine and have gotten a great response from those who I have scanned. So thank you for making this technology possible for us!
Kristen Funk - Provider in CO Springs
The HSN report has helped me not only help my own virtual clients but also my out of state aesthetician friends clients as well. The HSN report takes the guessing game out of what is affecting my clients skin and gives us longer lasting results now that we are able to treat the root cause of the concern! Thank you, it’s truly been game changing.
Alida Brock in AZ
As a holistic healthcare practitioner our goal is to get to the root of our patient’s chronic health concerns. Before utilizing the hair scans, patients were having to pay thousands of dollars in testing and waiting weeks for the results just to begin care. The hair scan analysis has been a game changer as it provides in depth health reports on a patient’s first visit at a much more affordable price. Allowing me to live my purpose in helping as many people as possible achieve optimal health!
Dr Hailie Elchos FL,USA
Ever since partnering with For Healthy Cells to offer our clients their hair scan diet optimization analysis, we have been able to reach clients in all new ways. Our program is focused on health and we really appreciate how For Healthy Cells is as well. Steve and Julie have provided us with incredible expertise, leadership, guidance, and support as this partnership has developed. This partnership has allowed us to help adults, children, pets, and athletes with dietary choices. We have also been able to help those struggling with hair, skin,and nail health by knowing what foods will optimize these areas of their lives. Thank you For Healthy Cells!
Nate Evans
We had a client visit us who was struggling with excessive weight and was diagnosed with lymphoma which spread after a surgery. We put her on a regime of Ozone, Infrared, Hyperthermia, Microcurrents, intermittent fasting and proteolytic enzymes. We used the Cell Wellbeing report to identify foods to avoid and system issues to address. In the first 90 days, she lost over 20 pounds strictly through change in diet and her lymphoma is in remission. She is thrilled. We are so impressed again with the direction we are able to give our clients, using the cell Wellbeing technology, in finding their best state of health!
We had another client come to us for anxiety, itching, rosacea and temperament issues. We did the Cell Wellbeing testing on him and in 60 days he made a special visit to the office to tell us that following this 90 plan has already changed his life. All his symptoms have already subsided or lessened. He was very impressed with the technology.
One of our employees was given a scan with our Cell Wellbeing technology. She was dealing with cysts in her body as well as HBP, anxiety and hormonal issues. During her 90 day plan of supporting her body with the suggested vitamins, minerals and foods as well as food restrictions, she lost over 15 pounds and experienced less anxiety. Hormonal issues and HBP lessened. She is beyond relieved and grateful!
THREE FROM Dawn Flaherty in CA
Dagmar fik rettet op på sin fordøjelse og ledsmerter samt kolesteroltal! Dagmar Hansen, 57 år døjede med forstoppelse og fordøjelsesproblemer, gigt, ledsmerter og forhøjet kolesterol. Hun fik en håranalyse der viste, som bl.a. spor af en tungmetalforgiftning og mangel på antioxidanter. 3 måneder efter, får hun en re-test, og fordøjelsen fungerer perfekt, ingen ledsmerter længere, og kolesteroltal ligger indenfor normalområdet, samt et vægttab på 8 kg!
Dagmar Hansen
My daughter has always had issues with having stomach aches, bloating, skin issues, and her nose swelling on occasion. She is now 18 but for the past 3 years we have been to various practitioners and specialists trying to address all of her issues. Every one of them told us her tests and blood work came back "normal." I can't tell you how hard it is knowing there is something wrong with your child's health, and to have a medical professional tell you they are fine is heartbreaking. After several attempts of trying to get to the root of her problems, we had a friend tell us about CWB hair testing. We ordered a mail in test kit through our provider and she gave us a thorough and highly detailed report that highlighted what foods my daughter is intolerant to, what vitamins and minerals she is deficient in or getting too much of, and how her environment is affecting her in a negative way. We have adjusted her lifestyle to the suggestions our provider has given and it has been a life changing experience for my daughter! She is happier, her overall appearance looks healthier, she is sleeping better, her skin has cleared up, her belly is no longer bloated, and her overall quality of life has improved. I could go on and on about the positive changes I have seen in her. I am so glad we were introduced to this incredible service. Thank you CWB!
Ashley from ID
In the two years I”ve used the epigenetic mapping technology in partnership with a large health food store, the system has provided a wealth of information to my clients. They are very pleased with the results and it continues to enhance and expand my business.
Robin Clifton, Provider,Rancho Mirage, CA
Lars fik bugt med forstørret prostata Lars Christensen, Odense, havde forstørrede prostata (Forhøjet PSA - prostata specifikt antigen), var overvægtig havde lav energi.Efter ca. 3 måneder, har han mere energi og overskud, prostata (PSA) ligger i normalt niveau og har tabt 7 kg.
Lars Christensen, Odense
I decided to do the epigenetic test at the start of the year to make sure that I was taking the right vitamins and eating the right foods. I'm at a different phase of my Wellness journey and I just wanted to make sure I was on track. I also enjoy just sitting and talking to Natalie. She has the kind of personality that makes you just want to tell her your whole life story.
I totally did not expect what took place. It's such a simple process, so simple. She literally just plucks some hair from the back of your neck and in a few minutes the results are back. The whole process is not overwhelming at all.
The test revealed that I was taking the right vitamins. The interesting thing was that she asked me if I was sick or if I was sick in the past couple weeks. I explained to her that I had a cold nothing major. Then she asked me if there was mold in my house. I didn’t think so at first but then things started to make sense. I had a leak in my home. Everything started to add up, just so happens that based on that one hair strand test I spoke to my landlord and she got the house tested for mold. It just so happens that there IS mold in my house. So I’m like to Natalie I'm like “Natalie Are you sure you're not a home inspector because what you're actually doing is home inspection”.
All of that from a hair strand! Unreal! I really appreciate that Natalie has been following up with me to make sure that I'm doing what I need to do and I really appreciate it.
Natalie Murray Health & Wellness, Certified Holistic Health Coach, Jamaica/Florida
I’ve been using Cell Well Being hair scans with my patients for the past few months, the scans have provided my patients an affordable way to get to the root cause of some of their health issues. With the detailed information in the report, I am able to connect the dots for them on some of the reasons they’re experiencing pain, autoimmune issues, or neurological symptoms and come up with a care plan to get them back on track. I highly recommend this company, especially if you’re just starting to dip your toes into the water of Functional Medicine.
Dr. Kate Davis, D.C.
Davis Chiropractic
People are loving that I come to them. I am having people from offices and churches reaching out for me to come to them for the services. I have 6 this coming Saturday!
Dr. Kim Hood in FL
Strumento per valutare in che condizione si trova il bambino rispetto all'ambiente in cui viviamo
Dott.ssa Debora Cuini
Medico - Omeopata - Medicina Ambientale
Cell-Wellbeing Italia
Anne fik et normalt blodtryk og kom af med sure opstød
Anna har i flere år, taget medicin for både for meget mavesyre, sure opstød og forhøjet blodtryk. Lægen har aldrig fortalt hende, at disse ting kan hænge sammen.Hun havde fordøjelsesproblemer, kramper i benene om natten, hovedpine, meget lav energi og hendes drøm var, at blive helt medicinfri og få sin energi tilbage.
Anna’s kost, var det første jeg kiggede på. For lidt frisk frugt og grønsager og for mange opvarmede fødevarer. Mejeriprodukter skulle ud, samt sukker og de lækre kanelsnurrer, pandekager samt græsk yoghurt med honning.
VI tog en håranalyse fra Cell Wellbeing, der viste, at hun manglede vigtige aminosyrer samt natrium (celleåbner), B vitaminer, samt at hendes celler i mave/tarm systemet, var meget følsomme, overfor elektricitet. Det er der meget af omkring os, f.eks. tablets, mobiltelefoner, el-net, skærme m.m.
Jeg fik Anne til at følge en personlig fødevareplan og kosttilskud, samt pro biotika. Efter en periode på ca. 90 dage, kom Anna igen. Hun var blevet friskere og hendes blodtryk – som i starten var 160/110, lå nu stabilt på 122/73. Hendes sure opstød var blevet mindre og hun havde kun sjældent kramper i sine ben.
Anne var glad, det var hendes drøm at blive medicinfri og hun vil fortsætte sin nye mælkefrie og sunde livsstil og har ikke rørt et stykke wienerbrød siden.
Lene HanssonKøbenhavn 2024
Annikas nye liv – uden inflammation.
Annika, på 43, fortæller her sin egen historie;
“Takket være Cell Wellbeing håranalysen og frem for alt Lenes store erfaring og viden om kost, symptomer og tilstande, er jeg nu endelig på vej tilbage til mit gode gamle og savnede jeg. I mere end 7 år, har jeg – forgæves – gået til egen læge og div. specialister i sygehusvæsenet. Ingen kunne hjælpe.
Da jeg første gang kom hos Lene Hansson, for 8 måneder siden, havde jeg svært ved at trække vejret, især når jeg lå ned. Jeg havde tågehjerne, problemer med hjertet, skjoldbruskkirtlen og insulinresistens. Jeg sov elendigt, havde en tung, svag og anspændt krop, fuld af inflammation, smerter og ødemer.
Den dag jeg skulle til håranalyse hos Lene, var min livsglæde og gode energi var totalt i bund. Det var ulykkeligt, men jeg havde et stort håb om, at jeg hos hende ville kunne få noget hjælp og nogle svar, som jeg havde søgt i årevis. Og det skal jeg love for at jeg fik.
Håranalysen bekræftede mine egne teorier og tanker om min tilstand og Lene fik effektivt lavet en plan for mig, som jeg fulgte slavisk og fik hurtigt resultater i en langt bedre retning. I dag er mine værste symptomer og inflammation enten forsvundet helt eller minimeret.
Jeg ved godt, at der er et godt stykke vej for mig endnu, før jeg er helt tilbage i min gode energi, livsglæde og overskud. Men jeg er fortrøstningsfuld og føler mig i de bedste hænder hos Lene".
Lene HanssonKøbenhavn 2024
We had struggled with finding answers for our son for years in regards to his health. Many doctors appointments, and specialists. We heard about Hair epigenetic testing and we couldn't wait to get it done. When his test was done we learned that he had parasites - something that had never been brought up and considered. Once those were treated he has been a new kid! We would of never known that parasites were what needed to be treated if we hadn't done a hair scan on him. Now my whole family is scanned regularly, and I now offer it out of my salon. It's been the best thing for our family!!
Let me know if you need anything changed! Happy Monday! Jana
Lauren is a relatively new provider in Payson Utah. She’s been a very fast starter in the last few months. She just shared this wonderful story.
I have to show you this client of mine. She’s an acne client and we did her initial scan and she had a parasite. I told her during her consultation I felt the parasite was contributing to her acne. She did two parasite cleanses and the difference in not only her health but her skin is incredible! I’ve attached her photos for you to see the difference.
in corporating Cell Well Being Hair Analysis Reports into my business was a complete game changer for how I heal women. I'm Cara and I own a Holistic Women's Wellness Center in Mesa AZ. Before CWB, I used a quantum biofeedback device with over 27,000 frequencies to guide me on how to heal my clients. With the CWB technology, it allowed me to prioritize where their body needed healing the most and get them on the exact protocol for THEIR body. No more guesswork. It serves as our directing tool for all of my other modalities. We can easily see if they have hormone imbalances, thyroid dysfunction or really need the emotional/physical support we offer in clinic. My business has doubled over the course of this last year, just by incorporating the hair scans and promoting other in studio services. It has opened an entirely new avenue for my business that I never thought was possible! I'll forever be grateful to Steve and Julie for introducing me to this phenomenal tool!
Pick whichever picture you like best based off the theme of the newsletter. Sorry! I have nothing wearing green! Lol
I appreciate you guys!
Cara Lever, NASM CPT, CES, PES, Taking Cara Women
I’m a Trichologist, RN, and Nutritionist. I have been on a journey with For Healthy Cells and the Jump Start program that has opened new avenues for me to assist clients on a profound level. It allowed me to observe the intricacies of the process, the functionality of the report and to assess the informative value for clients.
Lana S from Huntingdon Valley, PA
This was my original set up. I then had so many people interested we moved to the arena and the bleachers. I already have a list of people wanting scanned at our next show in March
Jana James at a 4H event
My first hair scan indicated that I had mold issues so I started taking some supplements to address the environmental intrusions. I began to noice that I did not feel as tired and I didn’t feel sick when eating sugar in the morning. My second hair scan indicated my top priority was heavy metals so I addressed the issue by taking a supplement, I now am able to relax a bit more, not be as stressed or emotional. I have to say one of the best things about doing hair scans has been able to work with Daniell.
Daniell knows her stuff and the hair scans she offers helps match her expertises with a real results service. It will definitely be a big part of my regular health checkups going forward!
When I first heard about the hair scan I was a little hesitant to spend that much money and get no results. I decided to try it and then be dedicated to the vitamins that were recommended to me by Daniell. I have been doing my personalized regimen for almost 3 months now and I have seen so many results and feel so much better! Many people have even complimented on how I look.
I use to stay away from carbs the best I could and when I would get a good amount of carbs my weight would shoot up and I would feel and look very inflamed in my body and face. The supplements have helped with my digestion to break down a lot of the food I would try to avoid and now I don’t gain a bunch of weight after a day of not eating the best food.
I feel like my body is finally doing what it is suppose to do by giving it what it needs to work properly!
Knowing how far I am from optimal health, what nutrient is my body lacking, what was taken too much, what food I should avoid within 15 minutes is fascinating! The Epigenetic Test’s result helps me set a plan to achieve well-being faster.
การที่รู้ว่าตัวเองอยู่ห่างจากความมีสุขภาพดีแค่ไหน ร่างกายขาดวิตามินหรือแร่ธาตุอะไร ร่างกายรับอะไรมากเกินไป ควรหลีกเลี่ยงอาหารประเภทไหน ภายใน 15 นาที มันน่าทึ่งมากค่ะ
การตรวจพันธุศาสตร์ด้านกระบวนการเหนือพันธุกรรมด้วยเทคโนโลยีล้ำสมัย ทำให้เราสามารถวางแผนไปสู่สุขภาวะได้รวดเร็วขึ้น
Sumalee, Bangkok
အလုပ်တွေနဲ့ မအားလပ်နိုင်ဘဲ ကိုယ့်ကျန်းမာရေးကို ဂရုစိုက်ဖို့ မေ့နေတဲ့အချိန်မှာ Ceyla ရဲ့ Epigenetic Test လေးကို လုပ်ခွင့်ရ သွားတာကတော့ ကျွန်မ အတွက် တကယ် တန်ဖိုးရှိတဲ့ အတွေ့အကြုံလေးပါပဲ။ ဘာလို့လဲဆိုတော့ အချိန် မိနစ်ပိုင်းလေးအတွင်းမှာပဲ ကိုယ့်ရဲ့ ဆံပင်လေး တစ်မျှင်ကနေ ကိုယ့်ခန္ဓာကိုယ်တစ်ခုလုံးရဲ့ အကြောင်း ကို အများကြီး သိလိုက်ရလို့ပါပဲ။ Ceyla က ဝန်ထမ်းတွေကလည်း လိုလေသေးမရှိ ဂရုစိုက်ပေးသလို Test result တွေကိုလည်း အသေးစိတ် ရှင်းပြပေးခဲ့လို့ ကိုယ့်ကျန်းမာရေးအတွက် ဘယ်လိုအာဟာရဓါတ် တွေလိုအပ်နေတယ်၊ ဘယ်လိုမျိုး နေထိုင် စားသောက်သင့်တယ် ဆိုတာတွေကို ပိုပြီး သိရှိလာရလို့ နှစ်သစ်မှာ ပိုပြီးကျန်းမာအောင် နေဖြစ်တော့မှာပါ။
Dr. Phyu Thin Shwe, M.D. from Myanmar
As a medical doctor with naturopathic training, I use many conventional forms of testing to get to the root of my client's issues. I have utilized the CWB technology for over 7 years as a way to obtain additional data that assists me in determining the most appropriate treatment pathways for the client.
Dr. Aylin Ozdemir in Jacksonville FL
GetWellness Center & GetWellness Foundation has and continues to utilize Cell Wellbeing Epigenetic Testing, both personally & professionally, so that patient, client and practitioner care is expedited; assisting to mitigate risks of the environmental impacts of modern-day lifestyles. We are greatly appreciative of the forward-thinking technology and the customer service and support which is second to none in the lab and device space.
GetWellness Center & GetWellness Foundation
Una herramienta de vida, no puedo concebir una consulta sin la Biotecnología Epigenética.
Nathaly Marcus (Bienesta)
I also want to follow up with my experience with the train you requested. Let me know if this will work for what you had requested. I purchased my first report in November. I was impressed with the information and immediately believed that if I followed the suggestions, I could see improvement with my health. Overall I did well through the holidays and encouraged family and friends to consider testing. I made a decision that if I experienced an improvement in my health and my second report validated the improvement, I would pursue the necessary requirements to become a provider. When I tested in February, 90 days later, I was happy to see that the efforts that I made to improve my diet and my increase of consistency taking vitamins and supplements showed positive results. What stood out even more was that the second test reflected new exposure due to a train vacation that I had taken to celebrate the 100th anniversary of my grandparents marriage on the train in northern Montana. I love that the results identify issues and SOLUTIONS that help me focus my efforts for a healthy lifestyle. I have joined Cell Well Being as a provider so that I can offer the same opportunity to my family, friends, and clients. Thanks!
Laura Cromwell LCPC, LMFT
We had a client visit us who was struggling with excessive weight and was diagnosed with lymphoma which spread after a surgery. We put her on a regime of Ozone, Infrared, Hyperthermia, Microcurrents, intermittent fasting and proteolytic enzymes. We used the Cell Wellbeing report to identify foods to avoid and system issues to address. In the first 90 days, she lost over 20 pounds strictly through change in diet and her lymphoma is in remission. She is thrilled. We are so impressed again with the direction we are able to give our clients, using the cell Wellbeing technology, in finding their best state of health! We had another client come to us for anxiety, itching, rosacea and temperament issues. We did the Cell Wellbeing testing on him and in 60 days he made a special visit to the office to tell us that following this 90 plan has already changed his life. All his symptoms have already subsided or lessened. He was very impressed with the technology. One of our employees was given a scan with our Cell Wellbeing technology. She was dealing with cysts in her body as well as HBP, anxiety and hormonal issues. During her 90 day plan of supporting her body with the suggested vitamins, minerals and foods as well as food restrictions, she lost over 15 pounds and experienced less anxiety. Hormonal issues and HBP lessened. She is beyond relieved and grateful!
Dawn Flaherty - Oxnard CA,
Source: forhealthycells.USA
I have a nursing background and recently dropped out of nursing school because I want to help others live a healthier and happy life without life altering drugs. I received a scan from someone in Az and absolutely loved the knowledge I obtained from it. Changed my life.
Kristina, Health Coach Arizona
Para mi es un honor poder trabajar con Cell Wellbeing, me ha ayudado a mi y a mis consultantes a mejorar su salud. Si eres profesional de la salud, es una gran oportunidad poder utilizar el dispositivo S-Drive, te permitirá mejorar la salud, el bienestar y el rendimiento de tus pacientes.
Michelle Peiret (Especialista en nutrigenómica)
My darling son is adopted and we had ZERO health history about him or his family. By utilizing the hair scan and following the food restrictions list on the report, we were able to see progress with many of his health issues including severe leg aches, extremely dry skin, constipation, memory loss, thin hair and sleeping problems. Such a happy day to finally get some solutions to help him.
Brittani Lots from UT
Sdrive, rileva le caratteristiche epigenetiche del paziente
Dott.ssa Marta Ciani
Biologa Nutrizionista
Cell-Wellbeing Italia
Hair scans have quite literally changed my life. I had severe gut issues leading to hospitalization multiple times in one week. I began to lose my appetite and I was afraid of losing my supply while nursing my newborn. I took the hair follicle test and closely followed the report recommendations. It was instrumental in helping to improve my gut condition, helping to reduce medications and helping to maintain my supply while continuing to nurse. I realized how powerful the body truly was and how it could heal itself.
I got my kids a hair scan. One completely cleared up his eczema through a few dietary changes that were suggested on the report. My oldest child is dealing with ADHD. After making suggested changes based upon his report, his quality of life has been improved and he is so happy. We’re grateful for the hair scan and what it has done for my kids.
Jordan in AZ
"We have noticed correlations with a few of my clients recently where they tested for mold in their homes and found mold to be present, at the same time that the scan showed a presence of molds, virus or bacteria on their resistance page"
Rachael, Provider in Folsom CA
I have 6 scheduled this week! Things are definitely picking up. Super excited! Feeling a lot more confident with the process. I appreciate all your patience and help the last 5 months as I’ve geared myself up for this. I had the coolest session a couple weeks ago with a 16 year old girl who has developed tourettes over the past year. Her poor body was loaded with heavy metals and so much radiation and EMF interference. After some investigation questions I learned that the family had moved into the house in 2020 and the beaker box is outside on the same wall as her bed. And the Wifi router is in the office right next to her room. Im almost positive that all the excess heavy metals plus the heavy dose of emf is short circuiting her brain and causing the ticks. Her mom was. Her mom was so grateful for the info from the hair scan and said mom of her kids will be sleeping in that room ever again lol.
So fun to help people make these kind of connections.
Karen Roger in AZ
I did a hair analysis a few months ago for 9 year old boy at his mother's request. He has been diagnosed with Tourette's Syndrome and has had symptoms for at least the last four years. He was told by doctors there is nothing that can be done for him. HIs mom felt there could be help looking at his nutritional needs.
After following the recommendations of the Baby and Child report, in his words he says he has noticed that when the tics do happen they don't last as long. He says they might show up for a day or two and then they're gone (usually when he's feeling stressed or nervous about something) instead of lasting weeks like they were before.
He also used to have pretty severe bouts of diarrhea and that has stopped completely.
His mother said, "It has made a world of difference. It seems to keep getting better over time. I really only notice it if he is stressed or nervous."
Dawn Placencia in AZ
I have had stomach issues since I can remember and my hair scan pointed to many staple foods in my diet that I was sensitive to and minerals I was deficient in. After removing those food items and adding in other foods to hit the minerals I was deficient in; and with a little help from a fertility specialist; I was able to have a baby!
Kristen Guido in Mesa AZ
“My name is Lana Sanduska, and I am a certified Trichologist, Registered Nurse in the state of PA, and a Nutritionist. I co-own DeUnum Trichology and Skin Associates clinic in the Philadelphia area, PA. With a background rooted in the medical profession and a passion for aiding people, inspired by my parents who were doctors, I sought natural approaches to address the challenges of our modern, stress-filled lifestyles, poor nutrition, environmental toxins, and advancing technologies.
Recognizing the power of Epigenetics in shaping our health beyond our genetic predispositions, I embarked on a transformative journey with the Epigenetic tests offered by For Healthy Cells. This opened new avenues for me to comprehend and assist individuals on a profound level. The Jump Start program provided me with an invaluable opportunity to observe the intricacies of the testing process, understand its functionality, and assess the informative value it brings to clients seeking better health outcomes.
I emphasize that the Jump Start program is an absolute win for professionals entering this field or seeking to explore the applicability of these tests in their practice. The experience has been an excellent opportunity for both personal and professional growth. Moreover, I must underscore the exceptional support provided by For Healthy Cells, particularly founders Steven Reitman and Julie Clarke. Their commitment to offering comprehensive knowledge and practical assistance has been unwavering. The 24-hour support throughout my journey with Epigenetic tests has been invaluable.
For Healthy Cells embodies reliability, responsibility, and a commendable openness to innovation. Working with Steven and Julie has not only motivated me to advance in my profession but has also fostered a deeper commitment to learning and aiding my clients. I wholeheartedly recommend For Healthy Cells to all medical professionals who share a passion for a holistic approach to patient care. Thank you for welcoming me into the For Healthy Cell family.”
Lana Sanduska - PA
"Cell Well-being was a game changer for me. It helped me with managing food sensitivities, pin pointing deficiencies and treating them appropriately. Everyone should try this!" Thanks so much!
Iayisha Kahn, Vancouver BC
I am soo loving this hair scan already for clients. I’ve already been able to help out a couple people. One in particular, we were able to identify some issues around environmental toxins within her gut health.
Jennifer Burch in Illinois
I brødteksten
Lille Villads på blot 5 år, havde ikke mange sygdomsfrie dage i sit liv. Han kom til min klinik i marts, 2024. Han var blevet diagnosticeret med ME (Kronisk trætheds syndrom), på trods af sin meget unge alder. Hans mor, Louise, gjorde hvad hun kunne for Villads, der altid var træt, sov rigtig meget og havde et immunsystem, der var helt i bund.
Det bevirkede at Villads ikke kunne komme i børnehaven eller skole (start august 2024), ikke måtte have venner hjemme og skulle nærmest være isoleret fra andre mennesker, fordi han ragede alle sygdomme til sig og var konstant syg med influenza lignende symptomer.
Overlægen på hospitalet måber og spørger om hun, i fremtiden, kan henvise patienter med uløselige sygdomme, til min klinik.
Hvis du er i tvivl om dit stofskifte er lavt, kan du med fordel booke en håranalyse, på lenehansson.dk – se link i bio
These scans have been so wonderful for our clients. Here’s a photo of a client we couldn’t clear with just topicals, I did a hair scan and we recommended some supplements and BOOM, all cleared up!
This was such a success for us that we have already scheduled a house dog party for a a client that is a groomer. There will be 20 families with their dogs there. Fingers crossed we ordered enough scans.
Carly, OH
Mi chiamo Walter Trisorio, sono un medico che per varie vicissitudini sono venuto a conoscenza di una tecnologia che si chiama S-Drive, in pratica l’analisi del capello tramite la scanerizzazione del bulbo.Tale metodologia tramite un test bio-fisico del bulbo pilifero trasforma informazioni chimiche (ormoni, proteine, cheri, neurotrasmettitori)in segnali fisici.
Il test evidenzia gli squilibri che minano l’integrità psico fisica corporea e non un semplice esame del sangue.Il test, una volta evidenziato lo squilibrio creatosi ti aiuta a avere un quadro reale dello stato di salute del paziente in modo che tali scompensi possano essere trattati con integratori naturali e innovativi, frutto di anni di studi.
Il test evidenzia gli squilibri che minano l’integrità psico fisica corporea e non un semplice esame del sangue.Il test, una volta evidenziato lo squilibrio creatosi ti aiuta a avere un quadro reale dello stato di salute del paziente in modo che tali scompensi possano essere trattati con integratori naturali e innovativi, frutto di anni di studi.
Partendo da un problema personale e essendo molto scettico ho provato questo test su di me .
Devo assolutamente confermare che da un punto di vista clinico il test ha messo subito in evidenza le priorità di cui avevo bisogno .Un test molto interessante e utile per un approccio clinico integrato .
Senza dimenticare naturalmente l’importanza del farmaco in caso di necessità .
Una bella scoperta.
Dott. Walter Trisorio – Medico Chirurgo – specializzato in ginecologia e ostetricia.
Cell-Wellbeing Italia
In my situation I wasn’t getting any answers from any blood tests so I started looking more into my diet. I came upon Katie who was sharing her hair scan on Instagram and decided I needed to try. I like to go as natural as possible and I loved that the whole plan was literally how to fix it with the food you eat. So I took the test and I was ecstatic. I started to feel so good as I stuck to the plan and really this set me on a path of even more bodily healing in my products, in my lifestyle, etc. It truly opened so many doors to support my health in ways I didn’t even know were out there. I’m very grateful to have found this and now I tell everyone this is what they need to do.
Sutton, from St. George Utah.
I don’t think I told you how successful my first set of appointments went for hair testing. Also, one client said that after implementing two of the things suggested, she started having regular bowel movements:) what a win!
Jessica, Holistic Health Practitioner, WA
I can't believe what's happened to my body after taking the hair analysis test! I had not idea that the food I was eating was the reason I had such a problem with my leg swelling that had been horrible for years. I had doctors just tell me to wear compression tights because it was from being on my feet all day for work. Once I gave up the foods that the hair analysis test said were inflaming me, MY SWELLING WAS GONE! I feel so much better and it was the best money I've spent. I have recommended this test to everyone I know and have scheduled my whole family for it too.
Moira Anderson - CA,
Source: forhealthycells.USA
Me permite actuar de forma precisa en las necesidades reales de las personas. Es la herramienta de la Medicina de precision.
Dr. Rafael Serrano (Medicina Funcional)
The individualized epigenetic hair follicle mapping technology has revolutionized both my personal practice as well as the teaching and research I do with PhD students at an online university. The reports created with this technology have been a powerful tool in helping to empower others with more personalized knowledge about their wellbeing
Dr. Otilia Tiutin PhD, DNM
Doctor of Natural Medicine
Faculty Member at Quantum University for Integrative Medicine
Cell Wellbeing is the missing link I've been looking for, not only professionally but personally as well. I was able to take my own report, which as a hairstylist for 30 years showed a very high load of chemicals to my Naturopath for her guidance on how to reduce it.
Carrie, Hair Studio Owner, AZ
Hanne fik en bedre energi, kraftigere hår og en bedre fordøjelse Hanne Nielsen, 58 år, Vejle, dårlig fordøjelse, nedtrykt med manglende energi. Flækkede negle samt hårtab. Efter i 3 måneder havde hun ingen fordøjelsesproblemer. Energi blev forøget og hun har i dag en flot og sund kulør i ansigtet, hendes omgangskreds synes, at hun ser sund ud, med flot hår.
Hanne Nielsen
For Healthy Cells has given me more insight into issues affecting my clients in the area of environmental exposures and interference. Their reports cannot be beat! I have been able to cut to the core issues using this technology. It just doesn’t miss!
Sharon Krahn,Traditional Naturopath, K6 Wellness center
Source: forhealthycells.USA
After receiving the results of the report, Mathew found that I was lacking significant type’s minerals and amino acids. The report showed irritants to some food and meat that I love and consume on a daily basis. I have followed the instructions and used the recommended nutrition and followed the food restriction program. It's been three weeks since my visit to the clinic and I can't believe that I'm healthy again! I can't thank Mathew enough!!!
J.B. form Fairfield Victoria
In the two years I”ve used the epigenetic mapping technology in partnership with a large health food store, the system has provided a wealth of information to my clients. They are very pleased with the results and it continues to enhance and expand my business.
Robin Clifton, Provider Rancho Mirage, CA
Source: forhealthycells.USA
Poul Erik fik normalt blodtryk, tabte 10 kilo og lagde kolesterolmedicinen på hylden! Poul Erik Andersen, 62 år, havde forhøjet kolesteroltal, for højt blodtryk og var overvægtig. Håranalysen viste, at han manglede vigtige fedsyrer, aminosyrer og antioxidanter. Da jeg efter 3 måneder, var kolesteroltal samt blodtryk normalt og han havde tabt ca. 10 kilo.
Poul Erik Andersen
Excellent product. It is the first serious study of quantum medicine that can be applied to a patient.
Laura Cassani
I am very satisfied professionally with the results and the evolution of the patients to whom I have personalized their feeding programs based on the epigenetic biomarks obtained with the Cell Wellbeing S-Drive. In my opinion, it is a device that provides added value to our services and offers the possibility of knowing with certainty the cellular energy environment of our consultants, knowledge that brings us closer to optimization in a natural, coherent and organized way. It is an honor for me to be part of the technical team.
Martín Sebastián Azanza Pellerino
The best technology to guide anyone in how to empower their health with a simple and completely science-based plan, that you need to give your body to have an optimal operation with the ideal nutrition for each person.
Alejandra Alvarez
Thanks to cutting-edge technology, I am fortunate to be able to evaluate my patients, friends and family from Mexico and have their comprehensive plan in less than 15 minutes. I am surprised at the accuracy of the study since no medical data or patient symptoms are entered and the report gives a description very similar to intolerances or patient lifestyle. Epigenetic study is a non-invaded solution available to anyone who wants to optimize their quality of life.
Tricia Cuevas
To improve it is necessary to do it INSIDE to OUT and this is the best tool to be able to do it, since it provides you with the exact data of how is your “inside” minerals, vitamins, radiations etc. thus correcting the deficiencies and achieving a more standard of living optimal and healthy! Thank you Esteban Peiro for the detailed and well explained study that you did to me.
Cuando entrego el Test Epigenético a mis pacientes, me dicen que parece que los estuviera leyendo.
Dra. Carolina Sosky (Fundadora de My Life PY)
SPECTACULAR! Without a doubt an accurate and detailed analysis of the innermost part of our body and the basis for a state of well-being and Healthy. Technology, Epigenetics and Physiology in its purest state available to everyone for their health improvement. Fully integrated in my treatments as a Physiotherapist.
Excellent tool to customize the patient's diet. In Paraguay we used it almost 3 years ago and patients are more than satisfied, 100% RECOMMENDED
Excellent technology! very interesting and useful to improve my wellbeing
A totally differentiating technology that gives us a totally integral vision of our clients. Assessing patterns such as food, environment and metabolic systems in a procedure as little invasive as removing four strands of hair, makes it a technology with great daily applicability. Epigenetics at the service of people.
With the study of Cell Wellbeing Spain we know everything that can improve our health, and also what affects us negatively. For me, as an athlete, balance is essential, and therefore I fully trust such complete epigenetic information.
I am very satisfied professionally with the results and the evolution of the patients to whom I have personalized their feeding programs based on the epigenetic biomarks obtained with the Cell Wellbeing S-Drive. In my opinion, it is a device that provides added value to our services and offers the possibility of knowing with certainty the cellular energy environment of our consultants, knowledge that brings us closer to optimization in a natural, coherent and organized way. It is an honor for me to be part of the technical team.
Very happy with the experience, treatment and professionalism of Cell Wellbeing Spain !! Without any doubt, you are the future in the care, improvement and advancement of people and their physical and internal well-being! Thanks again for your help
Vic11 Coach
Excellent support product to help find the optimal condition.
Finally an instantaneous analysis with all the epigenetic information
Kinga Sinka
I myself and family members have all had our hair tested and it’s been so revolutionary. This has been beyond helpful for our family and changed our lives!
Sophie Cottrell who currenlyt resides in Los Angeles but is relocating back to Australia in a week.
Starting something new can be very daunting and if you’re waiting for the perfect time or opportunity to start, you’ll most likely be waiting the rest of your life. This was me, waiting for the “perfect time” to start my own nutrition business amongst my busy life.
I’ve had the desire for a while, I have education and experience and finally mustered up the confidence to just start small. Because if not now, when ? There’s never going to be an absolute perfect time. The human brain is really good at finding excuses, mine is no exception!
6 months ago I started implementing hair analysis into my small nutrition business and little by little I’ve gained more, knowledge, confidence and success. Starting slow and steady was key for me.
Success and confidence comes by small habits, repeated day.
For the first few months I didn’t think about making a single dollar. I ran a hair analysis on every family member and friend that was interested in health. I spent hours and hours studying and analyzing reports in comparison to the symptoms they described to me.
My background in public health, functional nutrition as well as personal experience with PCOS, infertility and metabolic conditions really helped me connect the reports to practical applications and protocols.
While trying to learn the technology and comprehend the reports, repetition was key for me. The more hair scans I do, the better I understand the technology, therefore, the more knowledge and confidence I gained.
Super grateful to be a part of this company that offers such a valuable tool for my clients to help them understand the root cause of symptoms, make connections and heal their body!
Karen Rogers
Our Video
None of these statements have been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or condition. It is intended to provide nutritional food information. The digital process uses We use In-Vivo rather than In-Vitro technology and therefore does not provide reproducible indicators as it reflects the constant changing epigenetic environment at the quantum biological level. For this reason, nutritional food optimization should only be considered every 90 days. it is NOT recommended that a new Optimized report be created within this period.