What additional information does the epigenetic report give me compared to another type of analysis?

What additional information does the epigenetic report give me compared to another type of analysis?

The epigenetic test contains underlying information at the cellular and genetic level and the blood or urine analysis would contain instantaneous chemical information about the nutritional and chemical deposits contained by the flow of blood or urine. Both information are complementary and never substitute.

The positive side of the tests is in making decisions about individual health or that of our relatives, in order to reduce the chances of contracting a disease or improve our well-being.

While traditional cell biology dealt with the physical molecules that control biology, new advances in epigenetics are based on the chemical and electromagnetic patterns through which energy in the form of our thoughts and emotions can affect our biology. , including the human genome.
The new thing is that the latest discoveries indicate that the mind controls the functions of the body and that implies that our bodies can be modified as we change our way of thinking. Our emotions interact with infinite probabilities and these affect the cells of our bodies contributing to the expression of different genetic potentials.
On the other hand, blood biochemistry is the study of chemicals present in the blood. In general, these parameters inform about the state and function of the liver, kidney, diabetes, among others. Thus, it includes glycemia (blood glucose levels), ions (sodium, potassium, calcium ...), liver enzymes (GOT, GPT, GGT), kidney function parameters (urea and creatinine), cholesterol (HDL and LDL ), ferric profile (iron, ferritin and transferrin), vitamin B12, folic acid, thyroid enzymes (T3, T4 and TSH) and cytolysis enzymes (LDH). In biochemistry "you can also request tumor markers (in case there is a suspicion of cancer or tumor), hormones (in the event of alterations in the menstrual cycle) or levels of certain drugs that must be recorded (such as digoxin, lithium, valproic acid or carbamazepine), etc.

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